Wanted to make a quick (aka, LONG) video of the install process.  Even though this is going on an Explorer, the process is the same for the SHO and the Flex, I believe.  It’s really very easy and straight forward.  Even with all the unedited parts of the video where I’m away from the camera, the video was still only 30 minutes, so install time on these is actually even less. Oh, and please disregard the wooden block.  I thought, for some reason, the transmission would drop a bit and was just playing it safe with some blocking.  Anyway, turned out it doesn’t budge and I didn’t need it…

Those of you looking to scoop up a set of these may find it difficult to locate where. There are a few versions, but in my opinion, the ones from Anthony DiCunzolo are the best in quality.  He only sells them direct and doesn’t have much of an online presence.  You either have to contact him via email: tonyuep@aol.com or through his Instagram page: Anthony DiCunzolo.


Front mount comparison:

Rear mount comparison:
